16 Oct Autumn Detox: The keys to detoxifying your body after the summer break
At least twice a year is when we recommend you to undergo a Detox plan. One of these is spring and the other is autumn, obviously.
Actually, the latter one is the best time to get rid of those stored toxins in the summer, due to the reduced number of hours of light, we spend more time at home and our body is much more receptive to enter on standby; in order to get rid of all the toxin accumulation and excess of liquid, which translates into those grammes one may put on over, with which we say farewell to the summer season.

Why Detox?
Through a bioenergetic frequencies analysis, one can evaluate the real causes -which are often hidden- resulting in deficiencies and failures within the organism, as the waves’ spectrum interfering in their balance are altered. Both mentally, emotionally and physically.
During a bioresonance with the MATTECH equipment, an device capable of measuring the body energetic frequencies we will be able to obtain electromagnetic parameters results, that will help to understand the vital behaviour of the patient. This one is connected to a box throughout five electrodes: one for each one of the extremities and another around the head. From this preliminary diagnosis we are about to obtain the necessary answers to carry out our Autumn Detox cleanse, aided by one specific actions herbal treatment which will help us to bring back the ideal stability to our body.
«Imbalances are the cause of the emerging small disorders that lead to illness”
There is no need to wait for certain pathologies to emerge in order to promote health. Therefore, it is necessary to know where the bionutritional areas are presenting an imbalance before applying a specific program in order to rectify and prevent potential complications arising from imbalances that could be altering our body.
The IoMET test is a nutritional questionnaire that will give us a graph, based on different parameters, of the 7 metabolic fields of the body- to be able to adapt a personalised bionutricional treatment and thus rectify dysfunctions that are causing disorders. Being these the foundations of the diseases: it is through a correct supply of certain nutrients -in the personal scope of each one of us- when we will be adding up well-being to our body to prevent them.
We are in the perfect time to carry out the detoxification, cleansing and tune-up of our body. As the leaf-shedding trees, we also have to get rid of the old and face the changes that the new season requires at the level of food and lifestyle, to purify us from what no longer serves and to correct the biological causes, helping our immune system in keeping a healthy state for this time of year and also the winter.
«The therapist will decide the specific actions that we must follow in order to restore the functionality of our metabolism»
Dependending upon on the vital state of each person and their degree of intoxication a personalised and hypotoxic diet must be followed to help us prepare the foundations for the second restructuring stage. This is achieved on the basis of the results obtained from the bioresonance that, added to those of the IoMET test will allow us to know what is lacking, as well as what is in excess.
The detox diet based on the principles of Active Cellular Nutrition stimulates the main pathways of elimination of the body, neutralises free radicals, restores intestinal balance through prebiotics and probiotics and deacidises the body. Then the therapist will decide the specific actions that we must follow up in order to restore the functionality of our metabolism.
At BíoClinica we carry out one individualised survey for each patient along with a dental examination, carried out by Doctor Azagra and a health questionnaire, carried out by the nutritionist and the chemist Odette Gravier for you to feel better and more full of energy. Recovering the stability of your body, eliminating excess toxins and gaining in wellness, vitality, energy and aesthetics.
Please contact us for more information about our Detox treatment at our Marbella center.