In Spain, colon cancer is the highest incidence among men and women. It is a disease that takes years to develop, but once it manifests it is already too late. Hence the importance of early detection....
In Spain, colon cancer is the highest incidence among men and women. It is a disease that takes years to develop, but once it manifests it is already too late. Hence the importance of early detection....
En España el cáncer de colon es el de mayor incidencia entre hombres y mujeres. Es una enfermedad que tarda años en desarrollarse, pero una vez que se manifiesta ya es demasiado tarde. De ahí la importancia de una detección precoz. ...
The New York Marathon celebrated its first edition in 1970 where a total of 127 runners participated and since then it has not stopped growing, until becoming one of the most important races and with the greatest affluence in the world....
La Maratón de Nueva York celebró su primera edición en 1970 donde participaron un total de 127 corredores y desde entonces no ha dejado de crecer, hasta convertirse en una de las carreras más importantes y con mayor afluencia del mundo. ...
Nobody wants to be part of those people who have quality of life at a loss as they growing older. With anti-ageing medicine we can avoid much of this tragic fate associated with ageing...
La ortodoncia invisible nos ofrece un novedoso sistema, compuesto por unos alineadores transparentes. En realidad, funciona igual que los brackets tradicionales. Es decir, ejerciendo fuerzas controladas sobre los dientes...
Nobody wants to be part of those people who have quality of life at a loss as they growing older. With anti-ageing medicine we can avoid much of this tragic fate associated with ageing...
Nadie quiere ser parte de esas personas que van perdiendo calidad de vida, a medida que se hacen mayores. Con la medicina anti age podemos evitar gran parte de este trágico destino asociado al envejecimiento....